Some musicians spend a lot of time in bars because bars have stages and people who like to dance. Bars and their patrons help musicians make their way in the world and that’s something. It doesn’t mean that the musicians drink more than anyone else, or that they favor a particular bourbon (if they do drink). Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Whatever the sitch, it helps to have the talent on your side and in this new campaign from Wild Turkey, it does seem natural for musicians Shakey Graves, Matt Corby, and Yoohei Kawakami to raise a glass.
Two of the spots open with this line: “At Wild Turkey, we make bourbon for people who unsubscribe from everything but themselves.” I’m not certain what this means, but I think it means that the digital life ain’t all that. Maybe keeping up with the influencers and posting another self-flattering pic to Insta no longer satisfies. Maybe people long for real experiences in real places again. Maybe they want real music with heart and soul and real bourbon to chase it with. A bourbon that’s been around the block. A bourbon that you can confidently call out to the bartender, knowing she’ll hear you or read your lips and understand.