Facebook wants to take Silicon Valley’s advertising throne away from Google and their boxy little text ads.
To do that, the company has to do more than give speeches about revolutionizing the game, they have to prove their mettle to companies big and small who want to reach online customers camped out inside Facebook.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook is working on a solution.
While advertisers have created online campaigns with the intention that consumers would share their messages in the News Feed, Facebook’s algorithms don’t display every piece of content that is shared, limiting the impact of the campaigns, said Ian Schafer, chief executive of New York-based digital marketing firm Deep Focus. “It’s wasted potential,” he said.
Now Facebook engineers are working to create an unfiltered News Feed that would open the floodgates of information about users and the games they win, the companies they “Like” and the actions their friends take, said people familiar with the matter.
In other words, the very thing that makes Facebook valuable–the site’s ability to showcase relevant information from trusted friends–will be weakened to make way for messages of a commercial, certain to be annoying, nature.