According to The Wall Street Journal, B-to-B businesses are having a harder time connecting with their target audience on Facebook than their B-to-C counterparts.
Thankfully, the reporter explores the other side of this story, as well.
Some B-to-B owners say social networking is actually ideal for their demographic since it can take months for their kind of buyers to commit to a purchase. The products and services they sell tend to cost significant amounts and often several people are involved in the decision-making process.
For example, Eloqua Ltd., a marketing-software company in Vienna, Va., charges between $15,000 and $800,000 a year for its technology. Regularly posting status updates about industry trends and related topics to its Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Corp. profiles helps it stay “top of mind” among clients, says Joe Payne, chief executive. “There’s no question what we do in the social world generates leads because it drives people to our website,” he says. “We can see where they’re coming from.”
Agencies, of course, are B-to-B marketers. Which leads me to ask how you’re doing making connections on your agency’s Facebook page?
At this time, 1397 people “Like” Wieden+Kennedy on FB, but W+K is a global powerhouse with a staff that large, so let’s look at some smaller shops for comparison. 397 people “Like” WONGDOODY, a much smaller, yet famous shop in Seattle and L.A. DeVito/Verdi has 140 “friends.” My old shop, BFG Communications, which has a Social Media Marketing practice, has 752 “friends.”
By the way, please consider “Liking” Bonehook and/or AdPulp on FB.