If ever there was a product that would benefit from some advertising or publicity, it’s the Clear registered traveler program.
The Clear registered traveler program is the smarter way forward for airport security. It’s the smarter solution for you, getting you through security faster, with more predictability and less hassle. It’s basic risk management: someone who is screened in advance is less likely to be a threat than someone who isn’t. That’s the simple premise behind Clear.
Clear is fast, convenient and secure. As a Clear Member, you’ll go through security faster. That puts you in control of your time and your travel schedule. Clear’s introductory rate is $79.95 for a one year Membership. You can lock in this rate by purchasing a two year membership for $159.90 or three years for $239.85.
Today’s Slate has a story about the man behind Clear, Stephen Brill, a longtime reporter and media entrepreneur:
As Brill told Congress in early November, a study of the Orlando operations showed that “our members typically spent four seconds and never spend more than three minutes waiting to go through security, whereas non-members often spent more than thirty minutes.”
Clear right now is available at the Orlando International Aiport, and you can bet there’ll be more.
Happy holidays and don’t forget to take off your shoes in the security line this weekend.
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