I have a pretty extensive collection of advertising-related books, and the news that Jerry Della Femina’s “From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor” is back in print jogged my memory a bit.
One of the best books I’ve ever read, and one of the most useful, is a book from 1987 called “That’s Our New Ad Campaign?” from Dick Wasserman, a copywriter for many agencies of yore. It’s long out of print, but if you can snag a used copy, you should.
If ever a book needed an update and a re-release, it’s Wasserman’s. It’s all about the common concerns, arguments, rebuttals, and everything else associated with what happens when agencies present work to clients. Best of all, it’s written with clients as its primary intended audience, although anyone in the ad business can learn something from it.
But 1987 was a long time ago in the ad business, and the book naturally feels dated. Does anyone know what happened to Dick Wasserman? Is he still alive? (It’s possible he may not be, and a quick Google search doesn’t give me a lot of recent info.) ‘Cause this book could be updated for today’s world–and be valuable as hell for a legion of new ad folks.
Great post!
I’m having a hard time trying to find this book.
Any chance you could send a pdf version to me? :))
Here’s my email: tmalan81@gmail:disqus .com
Many thanks and kind regards from Brazil,
Thomaz, I don’t have a PDF of the book. Your best bet is to check used book sites like abebooks.com to see when a copy comes up for sale.