Coaching and online education is big business. I can hardly open my browser today without seeing another ad from another self-made business guru ready to provide the mysterious answers that I need to solve my mundane business problems.
Here’s what the machine served up today (via a sponsored post on Twitter):
Master the Art of Copywriting for Less Than $11
Taught by marketing guru and entrepreneur Evan Kimbrell, Modern Copywriting is a seven-hour online course that will show you how to craft thoughtful, compelling copy for a variety of purposes. It begins with a handful of lessons on copywriting basics to help you better understand your competition, audience, and product, then expands upon that knowledge with lessons on persuasion tactics, targeting messages, headline-writing, and more. Perfect for writers of all skill levels, its 60-plus lectures even include copywriting tips and formulas that can virtually beat the dreaded writer’s block — and all for just a few bucks.A $199 value, this essential learning is on sale in the Entrepreneur Store for $10.99, but only for the next few days.
My jaw is agape.
I had no idea that one could learn the art of copywriting this way, or for this low low price.
I’ll Beat That Low Low Price Right Now
- Copywriting lesson #1: Don’t make outrageous claims that you can’t back up.
- Copywriting lesson #2: Care more about the reader/viewer than you do about anything else.
- Copywriting lesson #3: Overly clever wordplay draws attention to itself, not to the customer solution embedded in the product.
Any questions?
Great Coaches Care About Your Success
With so many charlatans and poseurs flashing signs and filling their funnels, how do you know who to trust? How do you spot the real coach or expert in a sea of phonies?
Carl Richards is a certified financial planner, author of The Behavior Gap and a prolific sketch artist featured in The New York Times. He writes:
There are two types of experts in the world: real experts, and fake ones.
The real experts are the people who spend many years refining their knowledge and skill set in a particular area and become masters of pattern recognition. But all too often, they end up toiling away in relative obscurity and poverty, neither maximizing their opportunity for impact nor earning the money they deserve.
I think it’s safe to say that true experts love doing the thing that they excel at—it’s their happy place. Some of these genuine experts also possess a genuine desire to share what they know and they have a gift for teaching. If the coach you find is motivated mostly by fame or money, keep looking for the passionate practitioner.
The Art of Copywriting Is Never Mastered
The art and science of copywriting is not something you’re going to learn to master for 10 bucks or for $200. Copywriting is like writing poems or songs or essays–when you learn from the masters and diligently practice the craft every day, you’re likely to strike gold once in a while.
In other words, you don’t dabble in it and find success. You let it consume you like a fire. You sit bolt upright in the night with the answer to the copy riddle. You learn to become your own toughest critic and you learn not to waste words.
In related news, websites are not built in an hour, logos are not crowdsourced, and templates on Canva will only take you so far.
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