When we began this site in 2004 ad agencies had yet to start their own blogs. Today, an agency with no blog is naked on the Web. Be that as it may, many agencies are poorly dressed when it comes to their blogging output.
Why do you think that is?
Previously on AdPulp:: The AdPulp Poll: eBook Kickstart
Excuse me, but I’m asking a question here. How hard is it to push a freaking radio button?
Interesting question David. I only read 1 Agency Blog that is not a clear cut individual doing the posts. I read a ton of industry blogs from individuals. The only agency blogs I read tend to be small agencies and they have a thought leader as the primary blogger so I don’t view it as visiting the Agency blog as much as that individual’s blog. I don’t want to read the Mullen Blog but I do want to read Edward Boches blog. I really need to identify with the person writing vs the business.
For a superb agency site/blog might I suggest http://bigorangeslide.com/
What’s wrong with most agency sites? They’re self consciously clever for no reason other than to suggest they are clever (as if the ability to create groovy web sites isn’t now shared with half the 14 year olds on the planet). They are often irritating beyond belief – slow to load (how 1990s is that?) and a pain to navigate. Their blogs are inconsistent and largely an alternative venue for show casing new business and work – Grip’s blog is a model for how agency blogs should be – prolific, loaded with provocative thought pieces about the business, contemporary marketing issues etc and it invites engagement and conversation with the readers – it communicates the personality of the place and the people who work there. In the end what’s wrong with most agency sites? There’s absolutely no reason to visit them, and if you do happen upon one, there’s definitely no reason to return.
Thanks simonbilling – I hadn’t heard of Big Orange Slide until now.
On the need to be clever, I was once instructed by an arrogant but talented ad man that it’s better to be smart than clever.