Ad-Rag, one of the most influential ad blogs in the world, is sponsoring a self-love fest for all ad bloggers. It’s called Battle of the Ad Blogs and its logo has tanks as bookends, which may mean only the big guns are gonna be fired.
You might expect me to say how pointless such award shows are. Well that is true, unless of course you’re in it. Then the thing takes on lots of meaning and importance. In fact, leave here right now, I beg of you. Tell the Adlandians that AdPulp is the shit when it comes to breaking it down on this biz.
Best General Ad Commentary
Ernie Schenck Calls This Advertising?
Cup Of Java
John Kuraoka
Jack Cheng
Hyper inked.
Going up against George Parker of Adscam is serious business. The dude’s kind of frightening (in a cheery sort of way).
[UPDATE] I may have fingered the wrong man, as Ernie–who has a CA column, no less–now has a slight lead over us, 24 hours in to the competition.
Author, Rich Siegel, in an humorous allusion to recent comments of an angry sort left on Ernie’s site, says about the matter, “Geez Ernie you sound like another tired, vacuous, glory-seeking Baby Boomer. How many awards is it going to take to validate your life? How many? Maybe you should just hop in your beemer, grab a latte and pop in a CD of REO Speedwagon’s greatest hits to help ease the stress. There, I beat Angry Youth to the punchline.”
Thanks for the compliment…I think… “Together we shall drive the rats from the tundra.” I stole that from Hunter S. Thompson… In the ad biz we call it an “Homage!” Let’s kick some ARSE!!! Cheers/George
Advertising awards are like kids soccer. Everybody plays, nobody gives a damn, and everyone gets a medal when it’s over.
I’s a blog-award not an ad-award dumbass.