Today is Veteran’s Day in The United States. Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving.
Sadly, too many of our living veterans are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, alcohol and drug addiction, domestic violence, poverty and homelessness. Veterans like Joe Wolf in Grand Rapids, for example.
Serving 400-500 individuals daily, Dégagé Ministries offers help and hope to homeless and disadvantaged individuals in the Grand Rapids community.
If you’d like to help people like Joe Wolf live a happier and healthier life, consider a donation to Dégagé Ministries. They’ve raised $21,845 of their $30,000 goal at this time. Perhaps a tide of particularly generous AdPulp readers can lift a few more boats.
For the record, I don’t know anyone at Dégagé Ministries. I simply like the testimonial approach and the idea that we’re not really seeing homeless people for who they are, nor who they’re capable of becoming with a little help.
Video credit: Rob Bliss Creative, Chicago, IL.