Last Sunday, The New York Times addressed burnout among online content producers today. I’ve been producing online content every day for almost six years now, so it’s a subject I’m familiar with.
Such is the state of the media business these days: frantic and fatigued. Young journalists who once dreamed of trotting the globe in pursuit of a story are instead shackled to their computers, where they try to eke out a fresh thought or be first to report even the smallest nugget of news — anything that will impress Google algorithms and draw readers their way.
The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times all display a “most viewed” list on their home pages. Some media outlets, including Bloomberg News and Gawker Media, now pay writers based in part on how many readers click on their articles.
AdPulp so does not work like that. There was a time when I felt pressure to “perform” here, but those days are in the past.
My question isn’t so much, “Am I burned or burning out on AdPul?” It’s about you. I wonder if maybe you’re burned out.