Rarely, a marketing book comes along that just makes you smile from the start. But that’s what you get with Scott Stratten’s QR Codes Kill Kittens: How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, And Drive Your Business into the Ground.
Stratten teaches mostly by using examples. The book consists of 200 pages of screen shots, pics, and other visual evidence of marketing fails. While a lot of them are bits from small businesses or individuals, which may seem like easy picking, the whole book adds up to one great reminder of how it’s the users/customers/audience and their perceptions and experiences that really need to be kept in mind at all times.
It’s not a deep read, which actually is refreshing. Need something to read in the bathroom? Need something for a flight? Need a gift for an overzealous marketing manager desperate to use the latest Next Big Thing every week? Get a copy of QR Codes Kill Kittens. You’ll laugh your whiskers off.
Special thanks to Wiley for providing me with a review copy.