Two books – one new, one newly in paperback – provide equally valuable looks at branding from two very different perspectives.
I’ve always liked Steve McKee’s columns on, and he’s taken the best of them (I like that idea too!) and weaved them into Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the World’s Great Brands. Each section is three pages at most, and little lessons from dozens of marketers are included. McKee keeps it simple, and touches upon many subjects facing marketers today. It’s easy to browse and quite valuable for everyone who needs a refresher in the basics that are so easily forgotten.
Douglas Van Praet’s Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (And Inspire) Marketing goes deeper but provides a lot of great insight into the way our minds work, and how brands fit in to our thought processes. Van Praet served as Group Planning Director for Deutsch LA so we get a look at the agency’s successes for clients like Volkswagen. He lays out a step-by-step plan to change behavior, but whether or not you try to implement them for your brand, Unconscious Branding is a great read. Rooted in science, psychology, and sociology, it’s still quite accessible for everyone, especially those of us on the creative side of the building.
Special thanks to Palgrave Macmillan for providing me with review copies.