It’s been six years since the Truth & Reconciliation Commission in Canada issued call-to-action #19 which called upon the federal government to address inequities in health outcomes, including access to basic health needs like clean water.
Since then the federal government has done… f*ck all.
Almost 70 Indigenous communities in Canada still have to boil their water before they can use it. The water piped to them often contains pollutants like mercury, arsenic, and even uranium.
This is unacceptable, inhumane, and racist. According to Public, a social-impact agency in Toronto, the problem must be reconciled. Safe water for First Nations is “an issue that needs our attention and is part of the whole movement around reconciliation,” says Phil Haid, Public’s chief executive officer.
The excessive use of the F-word, he says, “is just a way to show disdain for the inaction and make a juxtaposition with the holidays.”
To help, sign the petition and join the call for change at