Next Tuesday is Pay a Blogger Day, a paid content initiative from Flattr, the Swedish company who makes it easy to support blogs and other things you care about.
Here’s more on how Flattr works…
Last week I was reading a comment on Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings about the desire to fund her site properly.
There are sights (like yours), that have the “make a donation” link, and I think, “I should do that,” ….but….most of the time, I don’t. But I gladly pay my 99 cents for iTunes or Amazon songs. The easier it is to pay tiny amounts, the more often people will do it. I would feel bad just contributing 99 cents to a website like yours, but if there were a 99 cent button that I could push, that would automatically deduct from my account, I’d push it at least once a week or so. That is a reasonable amount of money by the end of the year. I think that is the direction the web will go. Make it REALLY, REALLY, easy.
I read that and thought, yes, that is what’s needed. Now, I’m wondering if Flattr is the answer.
Perhaps, we will implement the Flattr buttons herein and find out (although it’s rarely as easy as it sounds). Once the micropayments system is in place, it has to be promoted. Otherwise you have an elegant solution but no real or sustained interest in it.