OFF MADISON—Blogging is the new busking. Talented writers are presently posted up outside the official news edifice where they’re busy bringing their readers a sharper, more personal point of view on a particular topic of interest.
In a recent survey, bloggers said it now takes three hours and twenty minutes, on average, to create a post. The length of a typical blog post is now 1,142 words. This is up from 1,054 words in 2016 and 808 words in 2014.
However you slice it, this is work and work demands compensation. Three hours and twenty minutes of billing in the ad biz is real money.
Invest In This Content
Last June, with help from Inkl, we rolled out a tipping structure and paywall here on
We are specifically asking for your financial support. If you like our writing and want to reward us for the insights we offer, please scroll to the bottom of this page and contribute now.
Thank you!
Bloggers Are Thought Workers Too
The blogger is the ultimate media outsider. She is not in possession of a press pass or other news industry credentials. The blogger has no editor. In most cases, the blogger generates little or no income from her writing.
Much like the great majority of books, the blog itself is not an income generator on its own. The blog is often a gift to readers. That’s not to say the writer gets nothing out of it. A blog of merit is a successful amplifier for the writer’s point of view and the writer’s online signature.
Why Micropayments
A tip jar and/or paywall is not for every site, but it might be right for a site that consistently delivers high-value thinking and clear, concise writing.
[bctt tweet=”Micropayments allow the reader to pay as they read. Thus, the barrier to entry is nearly wiped out.”] Once a person signs up with Inkl, their membership is active on this site, and other Inkl-enabled sites.
Inkl members also receive a daily digest email with a curated list of stories from leading newspapers around the world.
Genie, Meet Bottle
We could ask our readers to click on ads or to wade through so-called native content. If you’re a long time reader, you know we’ve been down this dusty street.
Micropayments is an innovative solution to a difficult problem. Nevertheless, the concept needs advocates and the business needs customers.
Join Inkl now and start paying to play.
What Is A Blog
Sites like Adpulp make a product. In our case, we’ve been making the media product consistently for 13 years.
As a reader, you’re consuming this product now. Claiming that the product is not unique enough or valuable enough to pay for is your read and your call to make.
We don’t want glancers here. We don’t want users. We want people who can’t look away from the advertising industry to share our articles, comment on our articles, and help change the way professional writers and motivated readers interact online.