It’s Tuesday morning. Depending on your location, it’s week three (give or take) of the global and totally unprecedented information worker lockdown. Did you know that as many as 1.5 billion people are working from home today?
A handful of these people working from home are creative recruiters. And a handful of that handful have jobs they need to fill. Yes, now.
In the midst of deep concerns about the future direction of the agency business, and worry about how long you may have a job (or how long you may be able to hold to clients), the fact is some agencies are continuing to grow, and thus, continuing to hire new people.
Looking for a Jay Oh Bee? Open One Club’s Google Sheet
Staring last week, The One Club for Creativity put up a new resource for job seekers and the agencies and client companies who want to hire them.
There are more than 100 good jobs on this One Club-managed list.
If your team happens to be hiring right now, add your job to the list for free.
Spotlight: Bakery Agency, Austin, TX
Bakery Agency in Austin is currently listing the following jobs.
I don’t know what Bakery is doing right that others are not, but now I am curious. Now, I am inclined to ask and to learn more.
Have You Modified Your Job Search?
I’d like to hear from you if you’ve recently made modifications to your job search.
Brands are proceeding with extreme caution today, and at the same time, self-anointed social media guardians are taking Tweet shame to the next level. I wonder, are your cover letters toned down? Are you discovering a new humbleness within?
What do I mean by a new humbleness? I mean are you now open to making less money than you had been making? Maybe a lot less? Are you willing to go back to being a copywriter or art director and let someone else run the meetings and make the decisions?
FWIW, I am not suggesting this is a good plan or a bad one, and I am asking myself these questions, as I ask them of you.