Buick’s new interactive campaign, The New Class of World Class, created by MacLaren MRM in partnership with Motion Theory and interactive studio Jam 3, aims to introduce Buick’s new design philosophy to a young, sophisticated audience.
Unbelievably, the project was completed in just over three weeks. Adrian Belina, Creative Director, Jam 3 says, “To create the site, we had access to GM’s still photographs and no time to model, so we proposed a solution to MacLaren MRM – to turn those photos into video using some interesting motion graphics trickery. We dubbed it Fauxto 3D, because it makes use of real photographs and not actually a 3D model. It’s a basic car’s shape that is then wrapped with a real photograph which allows us to move the ‘camera’ about 20 degrees creating a movable image and significantly upping the ante from what could have been just a photo slideshow.”