I can’t understand why no one wants to visit Nebraska.
State Tourism Director John Ricks told the Omaha Wolrd Herald that Nebraska has consistently ranked as the “least likely state” tourists plan to visit. The research showed that people weren’t aware of Nebraska’s destinations, and even the state’s residents often say “there’s nothing to do here.”
“I call bunk on that,” said Ricks, who came from Colorado two years ago. “There’s a lot of cool, fun stuff to do here.”
The new advertising campaign for Visit Nebraska was developed by a Colorado-based advertising agency, Vladimir Jones, after testing with out-of-staters likely to visit Nebraska.
Vladimir Jones, based in Denver, was selected as the state’s tourism ad firm last year. Tourism officials estimated the cost of developing the campaign at $450,000.
“Visit Nebraska. Visit Nice.” was rolled out as the state’s tourism pitch in 2014 to mixed reviews. To further muddle the messaging, “Nebraska: The Good Life” has been used on highway signs at the state’s borders since the 1960s by the Nebraska Department of Transportation.
On a personal note…
I am from Nebraska and I lived in Colorado, three times, so far. I have lots of friends in Colorado and some have willingly visited my home state. In fact, I have friends in Boulder who love to head up to Lake Conaughy for the peace and quiet, and the wind it puts in their sails.
I meant what I said in the lede. I can’t understand why no one wants to visit Nebraska.
You can play golf on mind-blowing courses in The Sandhills, canoe down the Niobrara River (a Wild & Scenic River), watch the Sandhill Cranes land on Platte River sandbars, drink amazing craft beer, ride your mountain bike over hilly terrain, go to a rodeo, eat the best corn-fed steak of your life, see the Huskers win again, attend the Berkshire-Hathaway annual affair, rock out to indie bands in small bars, go quail hunting, windsurfing, water skiing and so much more.