Last year, when “Bros” needed saving, Organic Valley and its agency Humanaut was up to the task.
It’s a great campaign. Still, not every Bro knows about the dangers of pounding protein shakes with synthetic ingredients and scary chemicals.
If you know of a Bro in need of better protein, please go to and help save a Bro (anonymously).
Here’s an example of one Bro that needs saving:
.@PaulManafort Bro, a certain someone knows your chains are off the hook but thinks your protein is janky. Freal.
— Brononymous Hotline (@brohotline) July 20, 2016
Here’s another example of another bro that needs saving:
.@realdonaldtrump Edgar Allan Bro, your innuendo is pure poetry, but your protein needs to get its act together.
— Brononymous Hotline (@brohotline) July 20, 2016
The fact is it’s not easy being a Bro. That’s why it’s essential to Drink Organic Fuel, whether you’re a Bro or a non-Bro.
By the way, Organic Valley is America’s largest cooperative of organic farmers and the only one with a pronounced sense of humor.