It takes vision to see beauty in data typically reserved for a spreadsheet. The technologists in the employ of Crispin Porter & Bogusky have vision. Vision to create interest in what might otherwise be nothing more than mundane housekeeping for the agency.
Director of Integrated Production, Dave Rolfe, explains why his team is projecting a real time inventory of all active jobs:
ProjectTicker can be filtered by job due date, by account, by job-type (video, interactive, experiential, internal prods), by completion status, by CD or by producer. It also features a status bar that indicates the completion status of the job. All of this is automatically updated through our existent jobflow status process. So not only is it a thing of pride for the agency– in terms of the volume of work flow, accountability for that, and the diversity of jobs– but it also helps to highlight the importance of documentation on production status. Plus it is poised to truly demonstrate momentum. The Ticker will be manageable via a kiosk as well, which will be positioned at the front of the department, and the view-type can be adjusted by anyone.
[via Alex Bogusky]