Libraries are sanctuaries of peace and quiet.
“Library Loud Days” at the Milwaukee Public Library changes all that. The goal of Library Loud Days is to reinvigorate and welcome more members of the community to area branches through unique events that turn the typical “shhh” experience of the library on its head.
With pro-bono help from Crammer-Krasselt’s Milwaukee office, the city’s library put on a marquee Loud Days event this week. Own the Mic, Win a Stack featured eight contestants were been chosen by the public to perform their music live at the library, and to be judged by a panel of music professionals—WebsterX, DJ Loop and IshDARR along with the MC of the event DJ Bizzon.
The contest was open to any Milwaukee rapper between the ages of 16 and 21.
The winner of the competition earned a large belt-like trophy, $1000, andan invitation to perform live on Milwaukee’s radio station, 88nine’s 414Live.