My buddy True pointed me to the new “Miami Expressions” campaign, which is an attempt to rebrand the city as a place where people from all walks of life can express themselves through the arts, fashion, and other cultural activities. Artists from Miami are featured in the campaign.
But more significantly, the website for Miami Expressions is in 6 languages. That’s impressive, and very important for a city that seems to attract people from all walks of life.
Miami agency Turkel (there ARE other agencies in Miami besides a certain famous one, you know) created the campaign.
David Burn says
I met with Bruce Turkel several years ago in Miami. He told me I had a good student book. Trouble was, I was about four years into my copywriting career.
Carl LaFong says
Wow, Turkel actually did something nice for a change.
Carl LaFong says
Upon reflection, I think my initial post was too harsh. While Turkel’s output has been wildly erratic over the years, they’ve shown themselves capable of doing some good work from time to time — like this new campaign.