Let’s face it, few people who work in marketing or advertising want to admit they’re salespeople. But we all are, to a degree: We’re selling ourselves, our talents, our ideas, and our value all the time. So can a book like Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Bible help people in advertising and marketing? Of course it can.
Gitomer’s quite well known in sales circles. He’s prolific and writes for many publications. It appears that this updated edition of Sales Bible represents much of the knowledge he imparts: Written in small, easy-to-digest sections with lots of numbered lists, the tips and guidelines Gitomer offers cover nearly every sales-related topic. Making connections, overcoming objections, closing deals, writing sales letters — they’re all here and then some. The book is the written equivalent of what I imagine a Gitomer in-person sales seminar would be.
I think most great salespeople are naturally-born to ply their trade. Really, when you meet a great salesperson they make it look effortless. But for the rest of us, Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Bible gives us a little hope that we can master the secrets that may make us all more successful.
Special thanks to Wiley for providing me with a review copy.