I am from Nebraska. I live in Texas. I have also lived in Utah and South Carolina. Do you see the trend?
Because I come from the Corn, I get pissed when the Huskers don’t show up to play, and I get pissed when a short-sighted rancher and Trump cheerleader from the Sandhills occupies a U.S. Senate seat. Thankfully, Jane Raybould is working hard to change the political problem and Scott Frost is on the football field, giving all Nebraskans hope for a bright and glorious future.
I love how Raybould comes right out and says, “Like so many parents across Nebraska, I’m angry. Our kids are dying in our schools, and Washington is so broken, the politicians aren’t doing anything about it.” This is the reality on the ground, so for any inside-the-Beltway advisors to Democratic campaigns, may I suggest placing your milquetoast recommendations back on the shelf for now?
Raybould says, “We must immediately renew the assault weapons ban. And you have my word, I’ll never take a dime from the NRA. Some will say this is bad red State politics but as a fourth-generation Nebraskan and a woman of faith, protecting kids from weapons designed to kill as many people as possible, is worth risking an election over.”
That’s the salt-of-the-Earth Nebraskan that I know and love. You do the right thing, no matter the cost or outcome.
By the way, Nebraska farmers are more than a little worried about the looming trade wars with China, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Tom Cady, a Blair farmer, says, “If you can remember the early 80’s, I survived – just by the hair of my teeth. A lot of guys didn’t. We used our exports as a ploy in trade negotiations and if we do that again, well, we’re trying to export beef to China and soybeans… if we can’t have that market, we’re in trouble.”