If we let them, social media channels can turn into a mushy wasteland of unwanted advice and inane updates. But rotting apples do not define the orchard. Let’s look at the fruit on the trees.
On the night of August 20, 1863, proslavery guerrillas from Missouri set off to attack the antislavery stronghold of Lawrence, Kansas, burning it to the ground and killing at least 150 people.
As I console Mary, they are setting the house ablaze. Thank you Lord that my Grosvenor was not here! via: @abbymorse1863 #QR1863
— Mary Carpenter (@mcarpenter1863) August 21, 2013
Quantrill’s Raid of Lawrence, now 150 years old, is being reenacted on Twitter using letters and witness accounts from Lawrence townspeople of the time, as well as Union soldiers, and proslavery leader William Quantrill.
The Twitter reenactment is sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council along with Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area. Follow the action under the hashtag #qr1863 or follow this Twitter list.
Farmer west of town supplied me with trousers and boots. Loyal free state farmers contribute well to the cause. #QR1863 #wishtheyfitbetter
— Jim Lane 1863 (@Lane1863) August 21, 2013
Hat Tip: Boing Boing