Unlike larger and more mainstream online publications, AdPulp has the ability to reject online advertising in its current state. Like thousands of other independent publishers across the globe, we pay no rent for an office, no salaries, and no dividends. Having said that, removing advertising from this website is much more than a financial move. This is a site made by and for advertising professionals. Therefore, we are obligated to raise the bar and set a higher standard.
We tried several monetization tactics on this site over the years, including display advertising, direct sponsorship, and paid posts, also known as native advertising. The payouts from these ad placements did put some cash in our pockets, but it wasn’t enough cash to justify (what I perceived to be) the ‘ding’ on our brand. We also tried a fundraising campaign once, and several of our best supporters stepped up with some serious green. I recall feeling shame and honor at the same time.
It’s a new day! The paid posts and ad placements have been scraped from the site. We’re in the process of making a new logo right now, and we’ve moved to a new WordPress template that breaks the tyranny of the timestamp. New articles are now placed on the homepage according to topic.
If you’re a regular reader, please drop a dime on us from time to time. See Tip button below! If you’re also a content producer who is actively creating original content online, take a look at inklpay, the micro-payments platform from inkl. It’s simple to adopt, and easy for readers to opt in. As the publisher, you will have the option of making any post free, paid, or tip-enabled.