The “culture wars” have come to Mainstreet, U.S.A.
The Boy Scouts are not an inclusive group, and one of their biggest corporate backers has been moved to change their giving policy because of it. According to The Oregonian, Intel (Oregon’s largest employer) will no longer include The Boy Scouts or any non-profit that fails to comply with the company’s own nondiscrimination policy in its philanthropic programming, which provided $8.2 million globally last year.
“At the end of the year, to get their grants, we’re going to require them to send a letter that they are in compliance with our nondiscrimination policies,” corporate spokesman Chuck Mulloy said.
“And if you aren’t complying, you shouldn’t be asking us for money.”
In related culture war news, the CEO of Papa John’s Pizza said that due to Obamacare, it’s “likely that some franchise owners would reduce employees’ hours in order to avoid having to cover them.”
Zane Tankel, chairman and CEO of Applebee’s is on the same page.
Add @applebees to the list of unpatriotic businesses who are firing people because @barackobama won #fb
— John V. Moore (@johnvmoore) November 9, 2012
What’s your read on this? Do you take a company’s political temperature before buying from them? Maybe more to the point, do your client’s customers?
superiorgrpllc says
Ya I Agree With you..