Prime Pearl Street “office space”
Om Malik’s place has a guest piece from Jackson West. Mr. West’s topic is coffee houses as Web 2.0 office spaces.
Forget Palo Alto garages — San Francisco coffee shops are where to get your startup off the ground. Internet cafes are emerging as an important place to get work done, hold meetings and network. Since writers, designers, developers and anyone else who can work from their laptop are going to show up, you can even recruit talent, publicize your project and even demo your product for potential users and investors.
I like this bootstrapper’s model much better than working from home. Working from home is too isolating. Plus, I’m addicted to espresso.
I love the Trident, but to slog out and do some work, I think Pearl Street’s prime office space is Bookends. Better plug locations (although still too few) and more open/spacious. Actually, I’m sitting here right now! 🙂
Here’s my blog and website, often edited from Boulder’s coffee spots.