According to The Guardian, Apple has taken more than $60 million in bookings for its new iAd mobile advertising network – weeks before its scheduled launch on 1 July.
Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, said: “iAd offers advertisers the emotion of TV with the interactivity of the web, and offers users a new way to explore ads without being hijacked out of their favorite apps.”
Liberty Mutual is one of iAd’s early adopters, with the official-sounding designation, “launch partner.” I spoke to Kristin Suppelsa, Vice President, Manager of Communications Support at Liberty Mutual today, and she says, “It’s important that we demonstrate innovation as a brand and connect consumers to our content in more interesting ways.”
Suppelsa says Apple’s mobile ad platform is a great way to create an “engaging experience” for the customer and the right platform to tie-in Liberty Mutual’s Responsibility Project.
“It’s not content for content’s sake,” she says.
Liberty Mutual’s agency, Hill Holliday, worked closely with the Apple team to leverage the opportunity that features like Apple’s shake-it function and touchscreen allow.
Suppelsa adds there’s a “nice match” between “our audience and iPhone users,” but acknowledges that it’s too early in the game to say with certainty how the brand’s iAd efforts will work.
See Mobile Marketer for information on Liberty Mutual’s campaign that appeared in Time Magazine’s iPad app, which launched in April.