“Unintentionally Hilarious Local Commercial”
Thanks to The Consumerist (one of my favorite blogs), we get “Great Moments In Commercial History.” I give you one of many gems, Don’s Guns:
Who gives a crap about Singaporean two-page spread ads for Legos when this spot is just begging for a pencil?
Carl LaFong says
Best. Commercial. Ever.
In all seriousness, this spot and the one with the bug-eyed guy rapping about furniture (“It’s just. . . it’s just like a mini-mall. . . mini-mall”) are inifintely more entertaining than most award-winning work from the creative hot shops. I wonder why that is.
American Copywriter says
Simply delicious. God, the opening two seconds alone is worth the price of admission.
Helfman says
Danny, I love this idea. And I have to add this one to my shortlist:
daveednyc says
Awesome. Undeniably, inexplicably awesome… Who knew the local ads in Indianapolis could be so colorful?