Agency positioning is a lost art, along with long copy. Thankfully, both are currently being restored by Fallow Fields agency.
Fallow Fields, unlike every other agency under the sun, has no more fucks to give.
Let’s dive into some of the best self-promo copy I’ve read in A LONG TIME…
When you’re over 50, you just stop giving a fuck.
That’s it. Zero fucks to give.
The taste of corporate Kool-Aid makes you want to gag. You’ve seen a lot over the course of your career and it’s really difficult to get enthusiastic over some dumbass product that you know, deep in your bones, is going to fail. And not just fail a little. It’s going to fail in a dramatic way that will end careers.
Key takeaway: When you want to build brands for a living, you must be brave. It’s a job requirement.
People spend countless hours talking about the importance of craft. I do it. But craft ain’t shit without the will to do the hard things, and telling any client what they don’t want to hear is never easy.
It’s also never easy to bury the lede, bite your tongue, and/or engage in healthy conflict. Great teams prize open and honest communication. Which explains why there are so few great teams.
Not Giving A Fuck About the Client’s Feelings Does Not Equal Not Giving A Fuck About the Client’s Brand
There are clients who want to win, and there are clients who want to be serviced. Knowing which kind of clients are on your roster is one of the keys to an agency’s success.
Fallow Fields only works with the winners.
We don’t give a fuck if you give us your business. We don’t give a fuck if you are offended by brutal honesty. We don’t give a fuck if this hurts your feelings. We don’t give a fuck if your career depends on the success of this product or campaign because if it sucks we’re going to tell you that.
So why should you give a fuck about a bunch of guys who don’t give a fuck?
Because no one else will tell you the brutal truth. The truth you need to hear. The truth that could make the difference between success and failure. The truth that only people who have absolutely nothing to gain from being nice to you can tell.
There’s an important framework in place to support Fallow Fields claim that they have nothing to gain by being nice. The consultancy works on a $10K per engagement flat fee. They get paid up front to deliver the hard news, then they move on to do it again for other buyers of their service. This is not how 99.99999% of consultants or agencies work. The goal is almost always repeat billing, and that financial goal determines the provider’s behavior.