The Bullshit Observer on attending yet another meeting:
I have a 2.5 hour meeting this afternoon. A full 95% of this meeting will be a fingernails-on-the-chalkboard waste of my time. I’m bringing an illustration in that I’ve been wanted to sketch. I’ve done some of my best drawing in meetings.
As a plebeian worker ant in today’s business world, one goes to A LOT of meetings. Some of the director-level worker ants I know have, on average, five meetings a day. It’s a 9-5 train wreck of meetings – which forces them to hit the Crackberry at 9pm just to keep up. If we spent half as much time doing the work as we spend talking about doing work and the ways in which we’ll do the work, well, watch out China. We might even be able to cut back on those staffing meetings.