From USA Today:
Dick Wilson, the character actor and pitchman who for 21 years played an uptight grocer begging customers “Please, don’t squeeze the Charmin,” died Monday. He was 91.
21 years? Can you imagine any ad campaign being concepted today that would run for 21 years? Most of ’em these days are lucky to run for 21 weeks.
retired housewife says
Mr. Whipple died. As a retired housewife, I wanted to get in advertising at one time. Now I don’t. I wanna use my creative powers for something better. Anyway, to the people who tee peed trees and used your product for pranks, HAHA!, for those whose Tush or Tusch was comforted by the advertising claims and moosch, whoosch, another memory built into the sky.
My testimonial, which is no refection on the man himself.
As a housewife and diligent shopper in the family, meaning one that made shopping lists, clipped coupons and was responsible for the household budget, I don’t think I bought Charmin that much unless there were triple coupons. I usually bought the store brand in toilet paper, for what ever that comment is worth.
from MY blog.