Warning: this post is self-promotional, but you can benefit by reading it all the way through.
Is AdPulp good for my career as a copywriter/creative director?
It’s a question I feel compelled to revisit every so often. On its head, the answer is of course it is. I know way more people in the industry than ever before, and my daily production here keeps my name and my thinking in front of lots of potential agency-side clients.
This year I’ve done work for ID Branding and tenfour here in Portland, Sullivan Higdon & Sink in Kansas City and Karsh\Hagan in Denver, to name a few. I think it’s safe to say AdPulp had a hand in all of these requests for my billable time.
At the same time, AdPulp is not exactly a lead generation engine. I think one reason for this is readers do not make the leap from “this guy knows what he’s talking about” to “I want this guy on our team.” Since that’s not why our readers come here, it is totally understandable. Yet, the rise of content in the marketing mix is beginning to change that broken equation. Now that there’s a growing demand for my specialty, more people are indeed doing the math and seeing AdPulp for what it is — a well established daily content practice (which can be replicated for any number of one’s own needs).
For instance, Karsh asked me to create a dozen lifestyle articles for AmericanCrew.com. And Sullivan Higdon & Sink asked me to create B2B content on farm-to-table topics, which is one of their key industry verticals. The unifying thread is not topical expertise, rather my expertise is delivering content from a brand that customers and prospects value.
Earlier today, I took part in a discussion on Bob Hoffman’s blog about keeping one’s ad blog and one’s ad business separate. Hoffman doesn’t like to mix the two, and I try to keep these kinds of self-promo posts to a minimum myself, but there is a time and a place for self-promotion, as we all know.
One of the reasons I am taking this time to beat the new business drum is because you may need some help coming up with ideas or copy, and I want to boost year-end revenue, which allows me to buy things but also to pass the wealth around. To that end, when you book 10 or more hours of my time during the month of December, I will donate one third of the after-tax earnings generated by your project to the charity of your choice.
photo credit: Evil Vince