Forest Whitaker (who we loved in Ghost Dog) is one of the brains behind Dewmocracy, a story-based advergame from Mountain Dew. According to the site, players “are invited to join the movement to create the next Mountain Dew. Your journey will give you the power to select the flavor, color, name, logo, label, and tagline for the next Mountain Dew.”
Props to the good people at WhittmanHart Interactive who did the game and web development, but at first blush I’ve got to say it looks like nothing more than an elaborate, expensive market research scam.
I totally agree with you on this one (and will only make a passing mention about The Scoop on this since you are, and will be, the first industry blog that I read every morning and I love you because you’re so darn professional and insightful).
Anyway, I agree with you, DEWmocracy is nothing more than a giant focus group:
Forrest Whitaker’s role in Ghost Dog be damned!
I thought The Toad Stool was the first blog you read every morning. Or maybe it was just that you woke up in the middle of the night to read it because it was so good 😉
Seriously though– WTF does Forrest Whittaker have to do with online Mountain Dew games?
Gotta get those celeb endorsements in there somehow, I guess.