Mitch Spolan, Yahoo!’s Vice President of North American Field Sales, wants us to approach the digital ad space like the blank canvas that it is. He wants us to spatter paint on it, chew on it and maybe bleed on it. Presumably, because he’ll be more able to sell our creative output when we really get into it and make not ads, not art.
Writing on Business Insider, Spolan argues:
Advertising content produced for the Web should be developed as art, just as broadcast and print marketers have done for years. Our industry is at its creative best when we embrace ads as an integral part of the overall media consumption experience.
Art. Is that what your clients are buying? If you’re one sly devil they are. Everyone else is selling marketing solutions, not that those can’t be artfully rendered and even mind-blowing on occasion.
At any rate, if the display ad makers of the world are going to make art, they’re going to need some inspiration. Here’s something that might freak them out…