The Denver Egotist, announced at the beginning of the year that they intended to spread the Egotist gospel throughout this creatively endowed land. And they’re busy doing just that. The Egotist Network now includes the following sites:
The San Francisco Egotist, The Salk Lake City Egotist, The St. Louis Egotist and The Des Moines Egotist. I like Salt Lake’s tagline: “Our Version of Spiritual Outreach”.
From the quick looks I just gave the four sites it appears that, like their Denver parent, these hyperlocal sites are taking an interest in creative happenings outside their city’s borders. Which begs the question whether any one city creates enough ad news to float a profit-minded site. I’m certain New York City does, but it’s a pretty wicked drop off after that.
Previously on AdPulp: Dear Hyperlocal Ad Blogger, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever Your Are
So true, could a place like Atlanta generate enough content? It would be interesting to see.
Hell, one could argue The Denver Egotist doesn’t have enough content to generate an interesting site.