In an age where so many books on branding and marketing resort to a gimmicky approach, it’s refreshing to get a back-to-basics but comprehensive look at the business. That’s what we get with Lindsay Pedersen’s Forging an Ironclad Brand: A Leader’s Guide.
This book really is a lengthy Branding 101 lesson. Pedersen starts with defining a modern brand and works her way towards demonstrating how to develop brand strategy. Then she goes through the process of managing an amplifying a brand once it’s developed roots. All of which is done in an informative manner but not a know-it-all tone.
Pedersen spent a lot of time in her career at Clorox, so she brings a strong CPG perspective to her writing, although her points are also applicable to many tech-related companies. And instead of highlighting case studies as so many brand-related books do, Pedersen extensively quotes from dozens of marketing and branding experts. It’s clear she spent a good amount of time interviewing and getting perspectives on a broad range of topics.
Unbeknownst to me when I got the book, it turns out that Pedersen lives here in Seattle, so if you’re from the Pacific Northwest you’ll see a lot of local brands represented in the book, from established brands like Starbucks to startups including Crowd Cow to Koru. That made it particularly fun to read. From startup leaders to people at established companies, many marketers could use a refresher course in marketing and branding. On that basis, Forging An Ironclad Brand delivers.
Special thanks to FSB Associates for providing me with a review copy.