Hear Ye, Hear Ye. 21% of Americans ages 12 and up have listened to a podcast in the past month. That is up from 17% in 2015. With one in five Americans tuning in, advertising pros are taking notice and grabbing the mic.
According to Digiday, “Ad agencies have caught podcast fever.” Digiday highlights and recommends the following:
- Madison and Culture from Y&R
- The A-List from DiMassimo Goldstein
- Disruptor Series Podcast from TBWA
- The Unconventionals from PJA
Take your pick and tune in. These information-heavy conversations are all free, and well worth your free time.
Independent agency owners will want to hear agency consultants David C. Baker and Blair Enns on their new podcast called 2 Bobs. During the recent episode, “Thriving In the Middle of the Road,” Baker and Enns argue that creative entrepreneurs want to stay out of the ditches on either side of the road.
Some of the ditches they describe include client concentration issues, where an agency has one “Gorilla” client (accounting for 25% or more of the shop’s billings) or lots of “ankle-biting” clients (that are impossible to move the needle for, given the light engagement). “When you look at firms that have grown exponentially,” says Baker, “their growth rate just spikes over a couple of years, it is always because of the growth of one client, not a bunch of clients.”
Another ditch the duo describes is the need for specialization, a move that helps reduce the number of competitors.
Yet another ditch is the ideal length of time on an account. Enns and Baker believe four to five years is the sweet spot and from there profitability and process begin to erode.
In Related News: See AdPulp’s audio archive for our appearances on The Beancast, and elsewhere.