Gary Vee. The guy manages to get our attention. Furthermore, he manages to get paid for the attention he gathers.
Gary Vee had my both attention and my respect when he was the wine guy blowing up the business of wine reviews on YouTube. Since that time, he’s moved into the ad world. My world. Maybe your world too.
It’s Advertising Week in NYC and Gary Vee Is on the Mic
Gary Vee wants to buy the New York Jets someday. Ergo, he started an ad agency to fund his dream. The agency is called Vayner Media and it is filled with eager content machines.
Gary Vee’s idea of a great creative agency is one that “can produce thousands of pieces of content every month across 15 platforms for its clients.”
Gary Vee has never been introduced to the concept of restraint.
Gary Vee said, “This (the Internet) is the best industry to be in, the problem is that everyone’s got their head up their ass to yesterday they don’t realize the game they’re actually playing.”
I think 99 out of 100 ad people see that they’re playing the please the client game. It takes the one outlier to see it differently an act accordingly, which explains why there are so few creative legends in this ad biz.
Gary Vee said, “I promise you; way more people know what the Instagram egg is than any television commercial that came out besides what we see at the Super Bowl. We need to think about that.”
I agree, let’s do that. Let’s think.
I think the Instagram egg is for nerds, screen addicts, and self-promoters. There are lots of them afoot. I mean 53 million likes, holy shit! But the Instagram egg has no staying power. The likes, like the past itself, are liked.
For Most Americans, TV Is Still A Turn On
In semi-related news, when you sell beer made in Jack Daniels’ barrels and you hire a celebrity to star in your commercials, make sure it’s Charlize Theron.
The beer commercial doesn’t have millions of YouTube views.
It doesn’t need them. It’s on TV.