There has never been a time when we've relied more on digital tools to enable communications between people and teams. All the hype about how "working from home" is a great new answer is annoying in its shortsightedness. But that's not what concerns me. I am more concerned about who is left out of this digitally-powered world, where commerce, education, and entertainment are all available to those with …
Many Media Companies Now Reeling from Sudden Loss of Advertising Revenue
Earlier this year, when the Oracle of Omaha said that newspapers are toast, he wasn't kidding. “They’re going to disappear,” the Oracle said. He didn't know that COVID-9 was about to make a bad situation much worse, but he did know that the industry was hanging by the thinnest of threads. In the United States, we have lost almost 1,800 papers since 2004, including more than 60 dailies and 1,700 weeklies. Today, …
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GoDaddy Joins The Age of Aquarius, Asks Entrepreneurs To Sing Along
Build it and they will come running towards you with their cash. That's the digital daydream that so many people sell today, and so many more buy, myself included. Now, GoDaddy, a purveyor of domain names and web hosting services, is peddling the idea that we can make the world we want, one pushed pixel at a time. "Make the world you want. You've got the power, we've got the …
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Laura Desmond Meets with Advertising Students at UT, Learns Why They Block Ads
Stan Talks is a library of short videos produced by the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations in the Moody College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin. This new talk, released last month, features Laura Desmond, founder and CEO of Eagle Vista Partners in Chicago. Desmond is intent on building the agency of the future, using data, content, and …
John Wanamaker’s Cutting Comments Continue To Slice
At the end of the 19th century, a prominent Philadelphia merchant lacked faith in his advertising investment. "I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I can never find out which half,” said John Wanamaker. John Wanamaker opened and operated the first department store in Philadelphia. Wanamaker also created the first price tag, the first full-page ad, and the money-back guarantee. He also spent a …
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Is Google Anti-Labor? Google It!
Are today's technology titans the new monopolies? Do the filthy rich executives say one thing and do another? Or are Silicon Valley and its satellite cities (like Austin) geek utopias where abundance is the rule? When evaluating the titan's there are many angles to take from the customer's perspective, privacy invasion being foremost among them. But what about the people who work for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, …