Agencies are not exactly seen as paragons of innovation, but there are some smart people working to change that. Portland agency Fight, for instance, has introduced variable pricing, a simple concept based on supply (of their time) and demand (for their time). How Fight varies their rate is explained in detail on their site, but the general idea is if the rate drops below their standard $200/hour, it means the agency …
Money Versus Creativity: A Conflict That Needn’t Be
Steve Henry, writing for Brand Republic, says most agencies these days put profit above creativity, which is totally obvious but worth saying nonetheless. Bill Bernbach famously said "a principle isn't a principle until it costs you money" - but most of the current wave of agencies would point out that time is money and they wouldn't even think it's worth a five-minute conversation. The funny thing about this is the …
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Time For A Raise
Talking about how much money you make has been taboo for as long as I can remember. But we live in a different time today. A time of radical transparency. I don't know if that's what led social media consultants Mack Collier and Chris Brogan to post their rates, but what drove them to do so isn't as interesting to me as the rates themselves. Brogran's day rate is $22,000. Can you get $22,000 a day? I don't know. I …
For A Small Retainer, You Can Have Lab Rats Chew On Your Marcom Problems
Richmond Times-Dispatch is reporting on a new business model for Work Labs, the agency led by Cabell Harris. The article describes Work Labs' compensation model and their outsourced talent pool. Harris will ask clients to pay his agency a small retainer each quarter. For that retainer, Work Labs will present new marketing ideas to clients each quarter. The client pays only for the ideas it decides to implement, he …
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Actually, Talk Isn’t Cheap
Scott Ginsberg, a.k.a. "That Guy with the Nametag," has some interesting things to say about offering free advice. I used to allow people to "pick my brain." For free. For hours at a time. For years. And what I began to notice was, after every session, people walked away excited, inspired and grateful for the time spent together. But then I never saw or heard from then again. Why? Because they didn't pay me. And when …
Hourly Rates To Match The Colossal Egos
According to Ad Age, the 4As conducted a compensation study at more than 230 marketing agencies of varying sizes, geographies and specialties. A chief creative based in the New York Metro area billed an average of $751 an hour last year -- more than double what a chief creative in other parts of the Eastern U.S. or in the South billed, at $319 an hour. In the central part of the country, a head creative billed an …
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