Here's some good news. For the holidays, Dell Technologies partnered with Ballet Austin and eSight to equip visually impaired individuals with new technology that enabled them to view a live performance of The Nutcracker at The Long Center in Austin. With over 150 community members in attendance, "The Unseen Ballet" was a special event that brought families together this holiday …
Boots on the Ground: Timberland To Help Plant 50 Million Trees
Brand purpose has plenty of detractors inside the ad industry. For example, Simon White, chief strategy officer at FCB West argues: "When brands advertise their favorite social cause, instead of meeting consumers’ goals, the advertising becomes irrelevant, ineffective and annoying." White adds, "When it comes to advertising, don’t start with your why, start with theirs." It's practical advice and it sounds good …
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Taylor Swift Tells The Haters To Calm Down
Taylor Swift's new pro-Pride release, "You Need To Calm Down," has been on YouTube for just 24 hours and already the music video has been viewed more than 20 million times. Sometimes, it takes a pop star. The vibrantly colored, surreal video features her reunion with Katy Perry along with cameo appearances from Ellen Degeneres, Ryan Reynolds, Dexter Mayfield, Laverne Cox, Karamu …
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Warriors for Women Launch New Campaign; Cast of The Handmaid’s Tale Adds Support
It's 2019, but it in many parts of the U.S. it could be 1919 again. A woman's right to make her own choices about her health and her body is under widespread attack. This year alone, 303 bills restricting abortion care have been filed in 47 states. Among those bills, 135 ban abortion in some or all circumstances. So far in 2019, nine U.S. states have passed laws of this type, and more states are considering …
RAICES Puts “Kids In Cages” In New Yorker’s Faces; NYPD Called In To “Keep the Peace”
This is not a subtle time in America or the world. It's a highly disruptive time, with people fleeing famine caused by climate change, people at war, people harassed by gangs, people shot at work or school, and so on. To fight against the gross injustices that are happening right now on our watch, the messaging from politicians and humanitarian causes must find a new much more aggressive edge. RAICES, the …
San Francisco CEOs Against The World
Salesforce is on a mission, and on a roll. The company occupies the tallest skyscraper in San Francisco, is working to end homelessness in the city, and now multi-billion dollar software company is refusing to provide its product to companies who sell high-powered assault weapons. Righteousness is in. And what the federal government refuses to do, or is incapable of doing, corporate America is increasingly …
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