BlogWell features eight great case studies on the best social media programs at large corporations. No agencies, no startups — just big companies sharing what they've learned. On the afternoon of August 9th, BlogWell will be at the Future of Flight Aviation Center in Mukilteo, Washington, just north of Seattle. The conference moves from city to city throughout the year. It will be in Atlanta this November. …
Borrowing, By Definition, Means Giving Back
All's fair in love and aggregation. Uh, not exactly. Recently, Ad Age writer Simon Dumenco cried foul when he was over-aggregated by a HuffPo "writer," who has since been dismissed. Reflecting on the scene, Lewis DVorkin, Chief Product Officer of Forbes Media, offers a good explanation for value-added aggregation. ...the trick to rewarding aggregation for the consumer (and that’s what really matters …
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Whatever You’re Selling, Content Marketing Can Help Make The Case
Content marketing gets a lot of play in these pages. So much play, you've probably heard me use these words before: Every Company Is A Media Company. Sometimes the formula is expressed like this: EC=MC. There's a lot of meaning packed into that little formula--in fact, we could discuss said meaning for hours, preferably over coffee or beers. But for now, let's just look at one slice of the content marketing pie, …
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Muzzles Required In Boulder And Miami
The agency that craves press coverage, doesn't allow its staff to comment on industry sites. According to Ad Age, Crispin Porter & Bogusky has banned agency staff from engaging in dialogue on sites -- whether it's positive or negative. "We tell everyone do not comment on another agency's work," Rob Reilly, worldwide chief creative officer at CP&B said. "I don't want anyone from our agency to contribute to hurting …
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How Do You Grow A 21st Century Media Company? Ask Om.
What began as Om Malik's personal blog 10 years ago, is now a growing media company backed by venture capital, a sales team and a cadre of reporters covering broadband, voice over IP, telecom and other new technologies., along with Mashable, ReadWriteWeb, PaidContent and TechCrunch are blazing new media trails. I don't know about you, but I'm fascinated by the developments and trying to learn what I …
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Facebook (And Everyone Else) Takes A Drudging
David Carr, who writes "The Media Equation" in The New York Times, reminds us how wildly influential Matt Drudge and his website are. "With no video, no search optimization, no slide shows, and a design that is right out of mid-’90s manual on HTML, The Drudge Report provides 7 percent of the inbound referrals to the top news sites in the country," reports Carr. By contrast, Facebook with its 600 million plus …
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