For 79 more wickedly insightful marketing 'toons from this artist, visit Tom Fishburne's …
Mr. Bill Knew What Would Happen To New Orleans
Yes. THIS Mr. Bill... In 2004, he appeared in a number of PSA's designed to inform New Orleans citizens about the importance of protecting our wetlands. Click here. Watch "Hurricane Sluggo." (I think you need Windows Media Player to watch it). Walter Williams, Mr. Bill's creator, is a native of New Orleans, I believe. I'm sure he had no idea how exactly right he turned out to be. …
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The Poetics Of Corruption, A.K.A. Ad Copy
One of America's great poets—James Dickey—worked in advertising. From 1956 to 1959 he was as a copywriter for McCann-Erickson in New York. He then worked for agencies in Atlanta until 1961, before being rescued by a Guggeheim Fellowship. Dickey liked to say he was "selling his soul to the devil in the daytime and buying it back at night." As he grew more successful in advertising, Mr. Dickey said, he realized he was …
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Let’s Debate Internet Explorer’s Handling Of MIME Types
Old Matchbooks Strike A Chord
Flickr user, Olivander, shares a set of classic matchbook covers. By the way, the reuben sandwich was likely invented at Omaha's Blackstone Hotel (pictured above). …
Warning: Sideways Glances May Occur
Clark Sorensen makes awesome urinals. And he's happy to discuss commissions and requests of any kind. This seems like an opportunity to raise the level of bathroom advertising by a magnitude heretofore unseen. I imagine Clark could fashion a urinal into a product-like shape. Better yet, a hotel or restaurant could simply commission the artist and become known for having the most inventive bathroom space in their …
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