It's always a great idea to get the name of the brand in the headline! This ad for Quickie brand Wheelchairs trots out the double entrendre of all time. The 4-page insert is even more bizarre, using the header "Unburdened. Uncomplicated. Uninhibited." above the image and this headline. …
The Skywriting’s The Limit
In Atlanta, when you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, getting the hell out of dodge is an appealing notion. And AirTran Airways (which is very popular here) is pushing that idea with skywriting: AirTran Airways is turning to skywriting in the Atlanta area this week to advertise a sale. The Orlando-based airline, which has its main hub in Atlanta, hired a pilot to trace messages in the sky such as “AIRTRAN SALE” …
Long Copy Ads, Courtesy Of The Onion
No it's not an ad, but it sells. From an article called "The Imminent Collapse Of Global Markets Is No Reason To Skimp On Four-Season Gutter Protection": In a lot of ways, our economy is like a gutter. You take care of it, and it takes care of you. But when the people in charge decide to neglect the economy, to not invest properly to protect it from "bad weather," then those bad decisions will end up costing more in …
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Negative Ads Aren’t Limited To Political Campaigns
My new column for Talent Zoo takes a look at negative ads--both in political campaigns and consumer marketing. A psychologist could explore the pathology more in-depth than I could, but the basic fact is that negativity sticks in the brain. It has an immediate, visceral impact. Compliments are fleeting, but insults sting for years. You need not have been a high school outcast to understand the long-lasting effects of …
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In My Day We Walked To School. Uphill. Both Ways.
Alan Wolk has a great entry today over at The Toad Stool. He tells of watching "Field of Dreams" with his two young children: It was only 1989. A year that most you reading this blog had already been born. Yet there were no cell phones. No internet. In one key scene, Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones can only keep in touch with their families by calling them from a pay telephone. With a dial on it. My kids stared at …
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In A World…Without Don LaFontaine
Damn... 'King of Voiceovers' Don LaFontaine Dies at 68 If I smoked 2 packs a day I could sound like that, too...VO work is such a cushy gig. …