Oh, how we sometimes long for the good old analog days. That is until we recall how cumbersome and annoying the car buying experience used to be. Thankfully, with the help of 72andsunny, Autotrader is finally making “car buying is easy.”
It clearly wasn’t easy to get a good price on a vehicle in ancient Greece. Let’s watch…
The 30-second version is better.
Of course, there were no cars to buy or sell before the 20th century. But does that matter? Not when it comes to making ads that capture one’s attention. And not when it comes to the feeling that you got the best possible deal on a car.
In Related News, Commuting By Car Everyday Is A Waste
A study this summer by accounting and consulting firm KPMG forecasts that vehicle miles traveled will settle at about 90% of pre-2020 levels in the coming years. On a per-capita basis, they were down 5% from their all-time high in the mid-2000s even before the pandemic.
Since the onset of COVID-19, commuter traffic has dropped significantly and air quality has improved. In September, 22.7% of employed Americans reported working from home because of the pandemic. Among those in management and professional occupations, the figure was 40.5%.
The lingering question for auto manufacturers, urban planners, oil and gas producers, and many others is how many Americans will (ever) return to the office, and when? We know it’s not the most efficient way to work, and yet humans need to gather and teams need to be in the same room in order to be on the same page.