Cheers is an American sitcom television series that ran on NBC from 1982 to 1993, with a total of 275 half-hour episodes across eleven seasons. For those of a certian age, the show’s theme song is beyond familiar, it’s iconic and instantly recognizable. A couple of notes from the tune and visions of Norm at the bar, Sam and Diane flirting, and Woody being Woody float into view.
Now, Applebee’s is using the song as the basis of its latest pitch, which is a hardy “cheers” to its regulars—the customers who keep coming into Applebee’s where the servers, ostensibly, know their name.
This is comfort food for the mind. Applebee’s is a major chain with 1700+ restaurants, not a Main Street Cafe. Yet, when you’re in the mood for American fare in a friendly environment, you may be able to suspend disbelief.