A few days ago on this blog, Frank Lloyd Wright was honored for his high principles and artistic tenacity. For similiar reasons we honor the passing of Norman Mailer, the last Great American Writer, who died November 10 of kidney failure. From the New Yorker: He was a slugger. He swung at everything, and when he missed he missed by a mile and sometimes ended up on his tush, but when he connected he usually knocked it …
Saatchi ECDs Quit
Saatchi & Saatchi/NY ECDs Jan Jacobs and Leo Premutico have left the agency, according to Best Ads on TV. These are the guys who did "Hot Juicy Burgers" for Wendy's and won a platoon of awards during their 2-year stint at the agency. My two cents on the Wendy's spot is that it works too hard and feels strained. But the "Happy Morning" viral they did for Folgers is genuinely odd and inventive. (Too bad the online …
Hogshead On The Lost Art Of The Big Idea
Sally Hogshead wants creatives to remember their true (i.e., traditional) value: as people who come up with great ideas based on insights into brands and human nature. It's easy to forget the importance of a really kick ass "concept" these days when many agencies--even a fair amount of hotshot digital shops--are simply struggling to keep up with, and educate their clients on, the latest trends. So it's worth pointing …
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Facebook For Meathead and Archie
Restless, attention-deficient teenagers and 20-somethings may not be the most lucrative prospects for marketers investing in social networking. According to the New York Times, the smart money is flowing into new social networking sites aimed at a much more loyal, "sticky" audience: baby boomers and their elders. So while the kids flit from Friendster to MySpace to Facebook, the hope is that silverbacks and grayhairs …
Non Sequiturvertising
From the blue collar, no nonsense streets of Cincinnati's West Side. …