Jim Stengel, P&G's Chief Marketing Officer since 2001, is stepping down, to be replaced by Marc Pritchard, former head of P&G's cosmetics business. Stengel's worked for P&G for 25 years. Ad Age reports that his last day will be Oct. 31. Why's he leaving? Was he pushed out? He's only 53 and, according to AdWeek, he's got big plans for the future: [A] P&G rep [said]...Stengel was simply ready to move on. "Jim feels …
What Is The Most Influential Media?
In the UK, France, and Germany, the Internet is significantly more influential than any other media, according to a study (PDF) by Fleishman-Hillard and Harris Interactive. In fact, online experiences, at least in these European countries, are nearly twice as influential as TV and eight times more influential than traditional print media. Matt Dickman, a VP at Fleishman-Hillard in Cleveland, gives a nice overview on …
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Doritos Punks NASA
Once again, marketers have taken the lead in the quest to discover extra-terrestrial life. As NASA’s Phoenix Lander pitifully fumbles and pants, trying to scoop dirt into an oven on Mars, Doritos broadcasts a 30-second spot into space. A few months back, the brand challenged the British public to create a spot that summed up life on earth. The winning entry, as judged by popular vote, is called Tribe and was …
Hot Or Not Sold
According to TechCrunch, the novelty site turned dating community HotorNot has been acquired by Avid Life Media for a sum rumored to be in the neighborhood of $20 million. Not bad for the owners, James Hong and Jim Young, who started the thing seven years ago on a whim, sans ambition or vision. TechCrunch reports that the site's annual revenue is estimated to be "around $5 million, with $2 million in profit." Here's …
Mind The Gap
Ever wonder what three hundred of "the most influential and successful websites" would look like if they were graphed to the greater Tokyo-area train map? No? Well, take a look anyway. The good people of Information Architects Japan have done a great job presenting a ton of information in a visually intriguing way. Each subway line (21 in all) represents a Web trend (e.g., the social networks line, the classic …
Ghost Dog Does The Dew
Forest Whitaker (who we loved in Ghost Dog) is one of the brains behind Dewmocracy, a story-based advergame from Mountain Dew. According to the site, players "are invited to join the movement to create the next Mountain Dew. Your journey will give you the power to select the flavor, color, name, logo, label, and tagline for the next Mountain Dew." Props to the good people at WhittmanHart Interactive who did the game …